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[ORACLE] DataBase Size & Table Size 구하기 #SUM() 본문


[ORACLE] DataBase Size & Table Size 구하기 #SUM()

뽀&쏭 2016. 1. 18. 16:14

1. DataBase Size

SELECT SUM(bytes)/1024/1024 
FROM dba_data_files;


2. Table Size
SELECT SUM(bytes)/1024/1024
FROM dba_extents
WHERE segment_name='CORP_NEWS_TB';




The biggest portion of a database"s size comes FROM the datafiles. 
To find out how many megabytes are allocated to ALL datafiles:


--> SELECT SUM(bytes)/1024/1024 "Meg" 
      FROM dba_data_files;


To get the size of all TEMP files:

--> SELECT nvl(SUM(bytes),0)/1024/1024 "Meg" 
      FROM dba_temp_files;


To get the size of the on-line redo-logs:

--> SELECT SUM(bytes)/1024/1024 "Meg" 
      FROM sys.v_$log;


Putting it all together into a single query:

SELECT a.data_size + b.temp_size + c.redo_size "total_size"

   SELECT SUM(bytes) data_size
   FROM dba_data_files 
) a,

   SELECT NVL(SUM(bytes),0) temp_size
   FROM dba_temp_files 
) b,

   SELECT SUM(bytes) redo_size
   FROM sys.v_$log 
) c


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